July 27, 2008


My goal this week is to try a new recipe each night with some of this week's market bounty. I usually just fall back on the old stand bys and end up steaming vegetables or roasting potatoes or making a salad. B.O.R.I.N.G. So this week I'm challenging myself, and my cooking prowess, to Be Adventurous! Take A Risk! Step out of the Box!

Here's what we have:
  • Chicken breast (from a "happy chicken" a.k.a free-range and grass fed)
  • spinach (dark leafy green hero)
  • yellow squash and zucchini (in peak season)
  • a cucumber (cool)
  • two tomatoes (guaranteed salmonella free)
  • a bunch of little Fairytale Eggplant (who could resist these little darlings)
  • some delicious green beans (possibly my favorite fresh pick, you can really and truly taste the sweet, crisp difference)
  • black-eyed peas (especially for Aaron)
  • okra (also especially for Aaron)
  • BLUEBERRIES (the most powerful food in the Universe)
  • eggs (from a "Happy chicken")

Do I have the meals planned? Have I chosen recipes? Well...No. I'm working on spontaneity here people. I do know that I'm cooking with Fairytale Eggplant Monday night. I don't know what I'm doing with it. But I'll figure it out soon enough. I sent this letter to the Internet:

Dear Google,
I need a fairly quick and extremely easy recipe for preparing Fairytale Eggplant. Preferably something that includes only ingredients I already have in my kitchen; which would be syrup, coffee and a slice of stale bread. Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours truly,

Will keep you posted on my progress.

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