Saturday night Kristen and Rhett went to Fredericksburg for an anniversary getaway, so Zoe, Audrey and I had a slumber party. We played outside, watched Sesame Street, and ate chips and queso. Zoe was a delight and made us giggle as only babies can. There was one diaper incident that almost put Audrey and me over the edge. Zoe had one poop that was so stinky I had to run upstairs to the Diaper Genie while Audrey finished the wipe and dipe. As I was at the top of the stairs, Audrey yelled up "Oh, I think I jammed the Genie this morning with that morning pee diaper!" Oh No! If there is one thing you DO NOT WANT when holding a stinky poopy diaper, it is a jammed diaper Genie. In the end it was really funny and we survived the stink bomb.
I also hosted the first Westview Estates Book Club meeting at our house. Myself and four other ladies from our neighborhood got together and chatted about the book Redeeming Love, and got to know one another. (very good book, I highly recommend it) It was so nice to meet some of our neighbors. I feel really blessed that this particular group of ladies has come into my life. I think I will learn alot from them and they will become good and trusted friends.
Aaron put the cover on the boat on Sunday. I guess boat-season is officially over.
Aaron and I went to Atlanta a few weeks ago for a work conference I was attending. Stay tuned for a post about that.
Our neighbors, Dave and Kellie, have a 5 month old little boy, Ethan. Kellie just brought Ethan over to Trick-or-Treat and show us his awesome Ewok costume! Ethan's grandma has a tradition of making each of her grandkids their first Halloween costume. Let me just say, she is an awesome semstress, and this costume is so great, I can see why she would only committ herself to one for each grandbaby. Ethan the Ewok rocks!
And just in case you were forgetting how brilliant and awesome our favorite niece is, and how BIG she is growing, here's a recent photo of her latest creation. She had the idea to stack things on the base of the fan and was so smart to figure out how to do it successfully! Gotta love her!

And I had to post this one because she has a PINK CUPCAKE on her shirt!

That's about it for now. Check back soon for the Atlanta post and pics of my favorite Wito Ones Halloween costumes of 2007!
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