August 31, 2009

August 26, 2009


So I made a cake.

I really made it to celebrate a couple of friends' birthdays at work. Chocolate cake with chocolate cream cheese icing. And y'all, it was good!

From now on, when I make this cake, I'm going to call it the Serendipity Cake, because serendipity was definitely at work with this cake.

Exhibit A:
Yesterday I was walking by a friend's desk and noticed she had one of those cake-carrier things sitting on her desk. It made me think "Hmmm, I wonder how I'm going to successfully get that cake from my house to my office?" This is pretty typical for me, that I would not have thought ahead to that part. That in making the cake, I would have merrily hummed along singing my song frosting my cake and would not have thought about the issue of transport until it was a complicated mess. Then I would have cried to Aaron that I messed everything up and he would have figured out a solution while I sat in the corner blind with tears licking a spatula.

But! Instead! I was quick to ask my friend if I could borrow her cake-carrier. It was perfect! She even loaned me the pretty cake plate that fit perfectly and kept the cake from sliding around inside the carrier and messing up that spectacular frosting.

Exhibit B:
I was planning to bring the cake on Thursday to share at a meeting. However, when my boss saw the cake-carrier sitting on my desk, he mentioned something about the cake and the meeting and tomorrow - which would be today - which is not Thursday. And my brain went beep beep bope beep bope boop and recalibrated to realize that, yes, in fact, that meeting is on Wednesday, not Thursday. Wednesday. Just like it is every two weeks. Our regular Wednesday meeting. Thus I was saved and came prepared with cake in hand on the correct day!

Exhibit C:
As I was looking for a cake recipe, I just happened to read some "helpful tips" in one of my cookbooks. And among all those helpful tips was this: To avoid making a mess of your cake plate when frosting a cake, place strips of wax paper around the edge of the plate under the cake while frosting. When done, slide the wax paper out from under the cake, and voila! No messy cake plate! Seeing as I've never really frosted a cake, at least not the sides of a cake (is that weird?), it hadn't occurred to me that this might be a problem. But looky there, how clean and pretty the plate is on my first try!

Exhibit D:
I was very pleased with the finished cake, only wishing it was a tad more festive for the birthday girls. But I decided not to dwell on it. I was just happy I would actually have the cake on the right day! This morning when I got to work I was putting together a birthday flower bouquet (from the group), and realized I could use a couple of the flowers as cake toppers! Ohhh, ahhhh, how nice.

So that's it. The A, B, C & D of why this is forever the Serendipity Cake. And I must admit I felt very fun and fancy baking in my cute apron (thanks Momma!).

I would be remiss if I didn't mention how sweet Aaron was to drive me to work today and help me carry in the cake and all the flowers and vase for the group bouquet. It was so nice to spend my morning commute with him. Thank you ATB! I love you.

This is one of Aaron's favorite quotes. We say it a lot. Pretty much anytime we see chocolate cake.

"Dad is great! He gives us chocolate cake!" (around the 7:10 mark)

August 24, 2009


This is on some steps I pass almost every day.
It's been there at least all summer, maybe longer.

August 20, 2009


What does it say about human nature that the universal, stereotypical worst nightmare consists of walking into a classroom/a meeting/the grocery store and realizing you are naked?

Is it surprising that barely three chapters in to the Bible, there, right there, is a story that explains the universal worst nightmare?

The first question was not Why did you eat the fruit? Why did you disobey? Why are you afraid of being naked? It was Who told you that you were naked?

Is that because He did not create us to know what is naked? He did not want us to know what naked felt like?

Disclaimer: These are only my thoughts and opinions. I am by no means the first person to have these ideas. There are absolutely holes in my ideas. Take it or leave it.

August 13, 2009


I randomly started looking up one day while sitting on a bench. Then I thought it would be neat to look up occasionally and take notice of things from a different perspective. Kind of like Carpe Diem in Dead Poets Society, only with less standing on furniture.

If you try it, don't just lift your eyes. You have to tilt your head way back, until it's hard to keep your mouth closed.

You might notice a beautiful sky. You might notice the attention to detail of an architect. You might only notice the dust on your ceiling fan.

You might notice you can't see what's in front of you any more.

Last weekend our family gathered to celebrate our precious Reid's 1st birthday. We were walking along the path behind my sister's house; I was carrying Aubrey so we could have some special time. And I decided to look up. So I stopped and told Aubrey to look up into those gloriously tall East Texas pine trees that line the path.

And that beautiful child who loves to share experiences called ahead "Daddy! Uncle Bus! Stop walking! Look up!"

So there we all stood. Looking up at the blue of a late afternoon summer sky filtering through all those lovely branches. Quiet. Still.

And I realized...that's the trick.

You have to stop walking to look up. (Or at least it's fairly dangerous to be moving and looking up at the same time.) And it's hard to speak when your head is tilted back, stretching out your vocal chords, I suppose.

When I'm looking up, I'm still. And my mind is quieter and focused on seeing what's above me. The whole world seems calmer because I can't see all the busyness going on around me.

Maybe you'll take a minute today and Look Up.

looking up at Halcyon



Happy Birthday Precious Girl!
I love you from here to the sun!

August 05, 2009


Welcome to our home.
I see you've been greeted by our welcoming committee, Sadie and Scoop.
I hope you don't mind their slobber.
Come on in here.
Here, where cobwebs hang in the corners.
Here, where sitting on the couch means getting a little dog hair on you.
Here, where "clean floor" is a relative term.
Here, where we hold hands when we say grace.
Here, where the food isn't the best, but it's good enough.
Here, where we all contribute to the nourishing of one another.
Here, where unkind words are sometimes spoken and so we are good at forgiveness.
Here, where the table isn't big enough and there aren't enough chairs, but there is always enough room.
Here, where the plants aren't thriving, but they're surviving.
Here, where the best light fixtures we have are smiles.
Here, where tears roll freely, fears can't hide, where the truth hurts; but you are never alone.
Here, where joys and good news are cause for dancing.
Here, where laundry piles up and so we are grateful for hampers.
Here, where music is enjoyed, but laughter is the best soundtrack.
Here, where the t.v. is on as often as books are open.
Here, where the grass is tall and the weeds are taller.
Here, where there's not always a lot of money, but there are always plenty of hugs.
Here, where we learn from our mistakes...a lot.
Here, where the rooms are small but the space to be is big.
Here, where there are angry dents in doors.
Here, where the beds aren't always made, but there's always a pillow for a night's rest.
Here, where you help yourself.
Here, where we share dessert and life.
Here, where on the darkest nights, we can see the stars.
Here, where no one is perfect, and we like it that way.