April 13, 2009


Recent Absenteeism

Oh little iPhone, how I heart thee,
Endless apps when I'm bored, keep good company.
Music and podcasts always within reach,
While I email, check Facebook, answer calls on the beach.
More random pictures of things that I see,
To email and scroll through, who needs a memory.
Tidbits and trivia answered at whim,
Weather? Directions? Never guess again.
Calendar, Moleskin, Post-Its abandoned,
How quickly forgotten your loyalty has been.
No need for a laptop whenever I roam,
Because in my pocket, I have you, iPhone.

Aaron would have added some verses about spousal-abandonment, ridiculous excitement over an application that counts stitches in my knitting and something about how it's not necessary to email a picture of my green beans to my Dad. However, he would write an entire poem about the following iPhone applications: Bebot, Simon, Whoopi Cushion and Gun Sounds.


Silverthornes said...

iT's SO TRUE! :)

bsilverthorne said...

my heart is breaking for the little book.

Stacy and John McTarnahan said...

John says surely there is an app where you can upload new posts to your blog... hint hint! =)

noe said...

i love my moleskine.... for always...