Some say you can get a little buzz when eating good Sushi. In Bussey world we go for a different kind of seafood... 35 pounds of fresh Louisiana crawdaddies. . . We like 'em spicy, so your nose runs and your lips burn and you get a little giddy . . .
Here we are at an engagement party for Renee' and Casey. Aubrey was none too pleased to be posing for this shot with her Aunt Nea and Aunt Gi. But aren't her jeans cute!
So these are the other kids in our life. Aubrey Renee' Silverthorne, sweetest niece Caden Gene Clay, coolest Godson Douglas Pugsly Silverthorne (soon to be Robertson), funniest K-9 cousin Buckner Silverthorne, smartest K-9 cousin (also guardian of Aubrey) Putter Eitelman, tiniest K-9 cousin (photo to come) Buster Bussey, toughest K-9 cousin (photo to come)
Sadie must be going through her "terrible twos" as Kristen noted. Sadie has recently grown big enough and smart enough to reach her front paws onto the kitchen counter. She first discovered this when the smell of a strawberry-tart was too tempting to pass up. She had a taste.
Last week, after seeing Aaron have a sandwich, she thought she might enjoy one also. She must have known she would enjoy it more if she was alone in the house, because she waited until noone was home and proceeded to eat an entire loaf of bread.
Easter also proved to introduce tempting new treats. Pastel colored m&ms to be exact. I know what you must be thinking -- Chocolate is bad for dogs! . . . but as I learned, only certain types of chocolate are dangerous, of which milk chocolate m&m's is not one. She was unaffected, but for a slight hyper-activity for a few hours. I'm not sure if it was from the sugar, or the giddy satisfaction of knowing she had gotten away with something.
We are trying to teach her that this counter-scrounging business is unacceptable; but really, who could tell that face that she shouldn't have an occasional m&m?